Jenfafa's Blog


I have updated

go see it!

yes Caro - I have updated!


A catch up!


A delivery for Jen


Boys... and stuff



Please go to my new blog at..



A few Photos...

to brighten up my blog.I also think that today I shall find a new template to work with to make my blog more exciting.

It is Christmas eve today, we are off to our family dinner tonight at Andrew and Bess' house. It's funny Christmas loses its hype the older you get... but I am much more amazed at God each year that goes by. I think I am happy for the magic of Christmas to be lost if it means I get to be closer to God and see more of his majesty.

Today I did the children's talk at church with Bec, Sarah, Amanda, Monica and Steve. It went really well. Thanks guys! I hope the kids remember that Christmas is about Jesus and that Jesus is the only one who can save us.

I thought I'd blog a little about NTE. It was totally awesome. I was doing strand 2 which meant I was looking at the Old Testament. We did Isaiah and the prophecy of Jesus' birth. I learnt so much about the OT. I've been so challenged to read it more. It reveals parts of God's character that you just don't get in the New Testament.
(more about this later).

Mission for NTE was awesome too. Our team went to Malabar Anglican church and did all sorts of things from scripture to playgroup to bible study dinners and elderly ministry.
My highlights were:
1. The Chifley Public Scripture. Here I did the talk. It was for 100 kids and I was pretty nervous until I realised it was all in God's hands & if he wanted the talk to be good and work it would be.. and if he didn't it would flop. God was gracious to us and allowed it to go really well. I was encouraged about how important it is to pray to God and commit his work to him. I also realised that nothing is on my own strength - if I was to use my own strength nothing would have worked. God gave me the gifts I have.
2. Doorknocking. Jono/Chris (same person) and I were partnered for door knocking. Things were pretty average as we went along and I was getting a little discouraged. I was praying as we were walking that God would give us the chance to share the gospel with someone before the end of the time. Behold! As we went to the next house a Muslim lady answered and we got the chance to share the gospel with her. This was really challenging for a number of reasons, firstly, that I had never spoken to a Muslim person before - I have so much to learn about their religion and secondly, that God so answers our prayer. I was so excited that he listened and answered my prayer right away.
Oh and I was also challenged as to why we don't share the gospel as much as we should. What's the worst that could happen?? Someone says no thanks??

I was also really encouraged by 2 other things as well. I was encouraged by the way that all the CS crew welcomed me into their friendships and how I didn't feel left out or lonely on mission. Thanks guys!
And also that God kept me well on mission. I'd been sick the week before NTE and while in Canberra, but it seemed God wanted me well for mission and he sustained me until the day after I got home. Thankyou!

So that was NTE in a nutshell. But there are so many more stories.

Here is the NTE crew (well my mission team anyway). I shall post more photos later maybe.

I was saying before about learning more about God's character. Since NTE I've been reading 1 and 2 samuel and now 1 kings. It's really exciting seeing how the God who went before David in battle and looked after him is the same God who goes before me today. I am learning so much about God's character reading this. He's not just a meek and mild loving little Jesus. He is a powerful, almighty God who should be feared. Yet a God who is compassionate and full of mercy.

I'll include now some photos of our youth group end of term bowling and of my dinner party :)


I suppose I should blog once again.

I don't really have a lot to say at the moment... mostly because I'm tired.

But NTE was really awesome - probably the 2nd best thing this year (after my Ireland trip!) Definitely a highlight.

I shall blog about that soon maybe. I'm just a bit too tired :P

I also had a dinner party for my uni friends this week - that was fun. I cooked and it was tasty!

Then yesterday we had our church carols. I really enjoyed those - Di, Ali-o and Jen came - it was totally rad! I was so happy to see them again and I had a blast hanging out with them. After the carols we went to café ensomnia. I had many a funny moments there, although it was an awfully late night by the time Ali-o, Di, Bec and I left haha.
I was pretty exhausted.

Today I went to Hornsby and Castle Hill to do the last few things before the holidays and before I go on Summer Camp.

Well I thought I might leave you today with the lyrics of this awesome song.

Take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord, to thee.
Take my moments and my days and let them flow in ceaseless praise.
Take my voice and let me sing, always only for my King.
Take my lips and let them be filled with messages from Thee.

Take my hands and let them move and the impulse of Thy love.
Take my feet and let them be swift and beautiful for Thee.
Take my love my Lord I pour at thy feet it's treasure store.
Take myself and I will be ever only all for Thee.

Take my silver and my gold. Not a might would I withhold.
Take my intellect and use every power as You will choose.
Take my will and make it Thine, it shall be no longer mine.
Take my heart it is Thine own, It shall be Thy royal throne.

Take my hands and let them move and the impulse of Thy love
Take my feet and let them be swift and beautiful for Thee
Take my love my Lord I pour at Thy feet it's treasure store
Take myself and I will be ever only all for Thee.

It is my prayer... I am so overwhelmed by God's faithfulness and sustaining love. He is so good.



Wooo.... it's 4:41am and I am awake. Not a huge surprise since I am going to sunrise!! Eeeee. I woke up at at like the moment I'm not really hurrying to get ready but soon I shall. I'm just sitting in front of my heater letting myself wake up. So there you go.

If you saw me on tv yey... because that means you probably saw HN! How wonderful! Ok I am now off to get ready... so much to do... :D



(P.S. Hi DI!!!!!!!! :D and yey for only having 1 more assginment left! *hurrah*)

Well I am home now... it was such a fun morning!!! Yey!!!!!!!!!! oooo..... love. hehe
I will post more later



Ok here I am posting again. Mostly because performance is fun :)
I'm sitting here at home watching the ABBA tribute. Hi5 were just on. It is interesting. Did you know Hi5 have a new member. Kathleen has gone and there is a new chick in her place. I've always had a soft spot for Tim from Hi5 even when the world liked Nathan Foley. I must say though, Nathan Foley isn't aging as well as Tim these days.

That was a little random, I know. But there you go.

I have nearly finished uni for the year 1 assignment and 1 exam to go. I don't really have much motivation at the moment. I burnt myself out over the past two weeks and now I can't really be bothered to work!

Now... what to say... who really knows! I think that might do for tonight. I have had my fun.
I shall leave you with a random saying.

"Where the sun shines, there is much light."


2 posts in a day?

I have some goals for the next few years I think I'll share here. I'll categorise them into short/medium and long term goals.

Short Term:

1. Finish assignments and study.
2. Make Christmas presents.
3. Save all I can!
4. Finish reading Ezra and Nehemiah.
5. Organise uni things and sort out stuff
6. Get my hair cut

Medium Term:
1. Get my ATCL
2. Save save save!
3. Get 5th grade piano

Long Term:
1. Teach overseas.
and who knows!!!

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I got this mad thing on firefox

I got this really mad thing on firefox. I can blog on any of my blogs without having to go to blogger. It's cool means it's easier.

I am doing ok. Uni is starting to settle down 2 to go. I am sick though. This is the only way you'll hear from me.. i can't talk. and even if i could - i'm not allowed to.

Sucky. that is all my back is sore need to get up.

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Haven't been here in a while

I haven't been posting in quite a few days now. I've been so busy. I have this assignment due today... it's taken me aaaages to get it done.. It's about 70 pages.But Hurrah! It's done now... and I might be able to start getting a little more sleep each night!
Although I still have a lot more work to do because I still have 7 assignments.
So this is just a quick blog to let you know I'm still alive (just!) and I will be back in full force soon!



What's Your Nature Name?
brought to you by HumanNatureOnline

What HN Image Are You?
brought to you by HumanNatureOnline

What HN Album Are You?
brought to you by HumanNatureOnline

What HN Album Are You?
brought to you by HumanNatureOnline
I was both

HumanNatureOnline Quiz: Nature Knowledge
brought to you by HumanNatureOnline

I saw HN again today. They were great. Will post more later.


finished product

here is the finished product of me and caro.. kinda a fairy land theme :)


another one

this time for caro :) I want to spend some more time working on this one though.. but that just involves time!